How To Create Telegram Bot

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To build a Telegram bot with Botzippy, you need to open your Telegram Account. You can use either the Telegram app on your mobile phone or using the Telegram Web. For this tutorial, I'll show using the Telegram Web.

First, search the ‘BotFather’ keyword in the search section in Telegram. Then select the verified BotFather account.

A message will automatically appear. Now you have to click on the Get Started Button / Start Button.

Then, it will send another message with a lot of options. Now click on the /newbot option to create a new bot.

Create Name And Username For Telegram Bot

The BotFather will ask you to choose a name for the bot. After that, the BotFather will ask for a username that ends with the word ‘bot’. You have to provide a username for your bot.

Then the BotFather will check if the username is already taken. If the username you provide is already taken, the BotFather will ask for another user name.

If the username is not taken, BotFather will congratulate you and send you the token to access the HTTP API.

To build the Telegram bot, you need to copy and save the given token. You need this token to connect bot with Botzippy. The token is very important and you should keep your token secured.

Connect bot with Botzippy

Go to Botzippy dashboard and click Connect Bot menu. Now you have to enter the bot token you received from Botfather (in Telegram) into the field called Telegram bot token.

After entering the Telegram bot token, click on the Connect button.

A successful message pop-up will show that your bot has been connected. Also, a box will appear with your bot name and username.

Last updated