Create A WhatsApp Ecommerce Catalog
Setup Your Catalog
To create a WhatsApp Catalog, you need to go to Commerce Manager in your Facebook Business Manager. Click it here:
Make sure you choose the right account for the Commerce Manager. It should be the same account as your WhatsApp account.
Then, create a catalog by clicking the Add Catalog button.
Choose your catalog type. Then, click the Next button.
Now you need to choose your upload method for your products;
Upload product info - you can manually upload your products one by one or in bulk.
Connect a partner platform - you can link the catalog with other platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, etc
In this demo, I'll choose to upload the product manually. Then choose the catalog owner and create your catalog name.
After you successfully created a catalog, now you can view your catalog and put your products.
The next step is to click the Add Items button to add your products to the catalog.
Choose your preferred method on how to upload the products. In this demo, I'll show how to add products manually. Then, click the Next button to proceed.
In this section, you can add your product image and all its descriptions. If you need to add another product, just click the New Item button.
After uploading your product, you'll see a new page for your product. Here you can edit or delete your product anytime. You also can add a new product by clicking the Add Items button.
Link Your Catalog With WhatsApp
To link the catalog to your WhatsApp account, go to the main menu and click the WhatsApp Manager menu.
In this WhatsApp Manager, click on the Catalog menu and then click the Choose a Catalog button.
Then, choose your previously created catalog and click the Connect Catalog button to proceed.
A new page will appear and you will see the Connected Catalog. You can Disconnect Catalog anytime if you want.
The final step is to sync your catalog with your WhatsApp account through the Botzippy system. Go to Connect Account menu and find the related WhatsApp account.
Click the Sync button to update the catalog in your WhatsApp. Then you can manage the WhatsApp Ecommerce Catalog within Botzippy.
To check if you successfully connect the Catalog in your WhatsApp, go to the eCommerce Catalog menu and you'll see your account in the Catalog Manager.
Check the video below:
Reminder!Please check your WhatsApp Account in Connect Account menu. If your WhatsApp Account doesn't have permission on catalog_management (as in the picture below), you cannot sync the catalog into your WhatsApp Account. So, please follow the additional steps below.
To fix this, go to Choose your related business account.
Then in the Business Settings, choose the System Users menu and click Generate New Token button.
Then, select the App that is connected to your WhatsApp account. Select Never for Token Expiration.
A list of available permission will appear. From the list, you have to select/tick these important permissions:
Business Management
WhatsApp business messaging
WhatsApp Business Management
Catalog Management.
Then click on the Generate token button.
A pop-up will appear with an access token. Now copy and save the access token. You need to use this access token in the next step.
Now go to your Botzippy account. Under the WhatsApp section of the left sidebar, click on the Connect account menu. Then you can see the Connect Whatsapp Business page. Now you have to enter the WhatsApp Business Account Id and Access Token.
Enter the access token that you already generate and copy in the previous step.
To get the WhatsApp Business Account ID, go to the Business Settings page. Then at the left sidebar of the page, select the WhatsApp Accounts menu. The WhatsApp Accounts section will appear. Now select your app and copy the WhatsApp Business Account Id.
After entering the WhatsApp Business Account Id and Access Token, click on the Connect button.
And you will see a successful message.
Last updated