Create A WhatsApp Bot / Bot Auto Reply

To create or manage a bot, just click to Bot Manager menu. Then, you can see a page called Whatsapp Bot Manager where you can create, edit or manage your bot settings.

Click to Bot Reply option and to build or create a bot, just click on the Create button

Visual Flow Builder Editor

After click the create button, the Flow Builder editor will appear. The editor is divided into two parts – doc menu and editor. On the doc menu, all the components are gathered together. And on the editor, the Start Bot Flow component is already present.

To build a bot, you have to drag components from the doc menu and drop them on the editor. Then you have to configure the components and connect them to each other.

Start Bot Flow

On the Editor, you will see an element/block called Start Bot Flow. This is the main core of creating the bot. Double-click on the Start bot Flow element and the right sidebar called Configure Reference will appear with three fields – Title, Choose Labels, and Choose Sequence.

Title: Create a title or a name for your bot flow. It is for your reference.

Choose Labels: you can select a label from a drop-down menu of different predefined fields. You can select multiple labels in the Choose Labels field. If you don’t have any predefined fields, you can create labels here. To create a label, put the name for a label and press Enter button on your keyboard. Instantly, a label will be created and selected.

Choose Sequence: This field is optional and not mandatory. It is used for a message sequence/auto follow-up message that can be scheduled after the bot flow is triggered.

Then, click OK to save and proceed.

Trigger Component

The Trigger component is necessary if you want to start the bot with keywords. Trigger component is used to activate your bot. You need to set the keywords that will trigger the bot. You can put as many keywords as you want by comma-separated keywords in the field. When a user writes something to your WhatsApp bot, if the word or words matches the keywords, the bot will reply.

There are two types of trigger keywords that you can set:

  1. Exact keyword match (default)

  2. String match.

Exact keyword match: If the keyword matches exactly, the bot will reply. For example; if the keyword is 'Apple', then when the user sends a message that has the keyword 'Apple', the bot will reply but if the message has keyword 'Apples', then the bot will not reply.

String match: If the user write a word that matches partially, the bot will reply. For example; if the keyword is 'Apple', then when the user sends a message that has the keyword 'Apple' or 'Apples', the bot will reply for both keywords.

Check the video below on how to create a basic Whatsapp bot with text and image replies.

Last updated